Invited Speakers

Rowan Smith
University of St. Andrew's, Scotland. Invited review. Session:Assessing the cold ISM structure in galaxies across scales.

Adam Leroy
Ohio State University, United States of America. Invited review. Session: Assessing the cold ISM structure in galaxies across scales.

Naomi McClure-Griffiths
Australia National University, Australia. Invited talk. Session: Assessing the cold ISM structure in galaxies across scales.

Nikki Zabel
University of Cape Town, South Africa. Invited talk. Session: Assessing the cold ISM structure in galaxies across scales.

Karin Sandstrom
University of California at San Diego, United States of America. Invited review. Session: Relationship between cold gas and dust.

Deanne Fisher
University of Swinburne, Australia. Invited review. Session: Impact of star formation and AGN on the surrounding cold ISM.

Stefanie Walch
University of Cologne, Germany. Invited review. Session: Impact of star formation and AGN on the surrounding cold ISM.

Ezequiel Treister
Pontificia Universidad Catolica, Chile. Invited talk. Session: Impact of star formation and AGN on the surrounding cold ISM.

Nanase Harada
National Astronomical Observatory, Japan. Invited review. Session: Radio and infrared probes of astrochemistry and ISM physical properties.