Why we are doing this Focus Meeting.
Why we are doing this Focus Meeting.
The organizers of this Focus Meeting.
Invited speaker lineup.
Important dates and email list.
Sign up and submit your abstract.
Be there or be square.
Program information.
Information about the IAU 2024 GA.
“Don't shoot for the stars, we already know what's there.
Shoot for the space in between because that's where the real mystery lies.”
— Vera Rubin
We have now transformational facilities capable of producing high resolution and high-quality imaging and spectroscopy at mm to submm wavelengths (ALMA), and in the near and mid IR (JWST), which are presently driving our understanding of how stars, black holes, and galaxies grow. In parallel, new breakthrough facilities at longer radio wavelengths are starting operation, being constructed, or in advanced planning (MeerKAT, ASKAP, SKA, ngVLA). These new facilities enable large systematic surveys and will produce copious very high sensitivity and resolution observations at cm to millimeter wavelengths enabling a new view of the gas phase and its processes through continuum, atomic, and molecular transitions.
This meeting will explore how the work taking place at existing facilities is shaping our understanding of the interstellar medium structure and feedback in our own Milky Way and external galaxies, and how this work is re-framing the science that will be addressed by the remarkable capabilities of future radio observatories. This will be a forward-looking meeting: we ask all speakers to articulate the impact of the newly gained knowledge from JWST, ALMA, MeerKAT, and ASKAP data on the science that SKA and ngVLA will address.
We value the participation and inclusion of every member of the community attending this Focus Meeting, and want all attendees to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy to other attendees throughout the symposium. We ask all participants to read and adhere to the IAU Code of Conduct in order to provide everyone with a harassment-free experience during the symposium. This Code of Conduct applies to all conference spaces, including those online. Anyone who violates this Code of Conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from these spaces at the discretion of the SOC Co-Chairs.